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If you have any questions regarding the website or the comics, feel free to shoot us a message! Is there anything you think we aren’t covering enough? Are you fed up with one of our weekly articles? Are you an Xbox developer looking to get some extra promotion? If you answered yes to any of these questions, tell us about it. We want to know!

>Send us an email at

>Like us on Facebook, or join our open Facebook gaming community, TEAM XBRO. Facebook is pretty terrible at feeding our posts directly to our followers, so we highly recommend our Twitter instead. And on that note…

>Follow us on Twitter! This is where we’re most active and how we interact with our community on a daily basis. #TEAMXBRO

>Subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date on all things What’s Your Tag?. Be the first to see new Kafka Luck Reacts, video reviews, Twitch stream highlights, and more.

>Follow our Twitch channel! Miles streams a variety of games every damn day at 5pm PDT, and we have a lot of regulars in the stream to keep things entertaining. Expand your social circle and come talk about Xbox, fast food, Baja Blast, and #BeefyDads!

..or if all else fails, drop us a comment here!


      1. Did you have anything particular in mind? Getting views isn’t something that really happens over night. You need to have a solid amount of content and something unique to bring users to your blog.

    1. It’s actually a fairly decent list. Of course nobody ever really agrees with the top ten choices. That’s just open for so much debate. I thought they did a good job encompassing a wide range of platforms and genres. Fable 2 shouldn’t be anywhere on that list though. Such a huge disappointment.

      1. I was personally upset that Xenogears wasn’t top 10, not even top 20.

        Then again I see games differently I guess, I like to give credibility to games that really push depth into their characters and stories. And I don’t complain about the petty aspects of gaming such as graphics, or “THERE’S TOO MUCH READING” and yadda yadda yadda.

        I’m just glad FFVII wasn’t number one. I would have flipped a table, and that table would have stayed flipped.

    1. Thank you very much sir! We had a ton of fun coming up with Dante’s sensitive alter ego. Feel free to share those on Facebook and what have you, we love seeing other people post our comics.

    1. Thank you very much! We try to keep things “unique” (is a nice way of putting it, I’d probably saw weird haha) and provide folks with entertaining gaming tidibits.

      Take care,


  1. Hey thanks for liking my blog about my new video 🙂

    Is there any way that we can work together in order to get more traffic to both of our sites?
    You see I have had my Youtube since 27/01/2013 (just over 2 months) and already have over 3k views.

    The reason that I am asking for help is because once I get around 1000-1500 subscribers I plan on “live-streaming” to raise money for charity, which is why you help would mean so much 🙂

    If you do decide to help me in some way I will gladly add this blog to my youtube channel “About me” section and I will give the name of the blog, the URL.
    That way if my channel were to get popular it would benefit you aswell as me 🙂

    I understand that getting views and subscribers doesn’t happen overnight, but now that my uni work is done, I am posting at least 1 new video a night 🙂

    Thanks for reading this!

    1. Hey no problem at all. We are always interested in working with fellow bloggers and youtubers. We have our own youtube channel and we plan on releasing a ton of new videos in the next couple weeks, including our first animated short.

      Did you have anything specific in mind as far as “working together?”

      1. Thanks for replying so quickly 🙂

        And as for what we can do to help each other…. Since you have a youtube channel we could add each other as the “featured channel”?

        If you have a better suggestion then please feel free to mention it 🙂 as you can probably tell I am new to making contacts, and networking on Youtube as I’ve had it for such a short period of time!

  2. I’m more a retro gamer, heck I’m retro aged, currently at age 50. I switched to an Xbox and am addicted to Peggle. Just getting into RPG games starting with the Walking Dead games. That’s how you found my site when I posted on games. I’ll follow or subscribe and see what you’re up to. Cheers..

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the site.

      Retro gaming is really in right now, so I think it’s the perfect time to be retro aged haha. Take care and best of luck with your blog.

  3. I mentioned your website in my most recent post. Your site’s style and feel has always left me with a keen sense of blog envy! You’ve likely been the recipient of such Liebster ‘awards’ before. Thanks for dropping a likes and drawing me to see your style in action.

    1. Thank you very much! Thanks for stopping by and dropping some comments.

      We actually do have comments active for the polls. If you click the title it will open the actual article. You can post comments in there. 🙂

      Thanks again!

  4. Hi ,

    I have recently got into your site , really enjoy some of the comic too! Was just wondering as I have started a blog , how to promote its reach or any tips and help you could give me.


    1. Howdy Jack,

      Thanks for stopping by and checking out the site! We really appreciate the kind words.

      Promoting your site isn’t the first thing you want to worry about. Make sure your site has a clear focus and quality content first. There’s no guaranteed way to get people to visit, but providing interesting content people want to read os definitely a good start.

      Networking is another huge way to expand your audience. Just start talking with other bloggers and interact with their communities. Stop by and regularly visit and comment on articles and it’ll help get your name out there.

      Best of luck with your site. I hope this helps a little.


  5. I have a question for ya. How do you make your comics? Are they drawn with a tablet, or via a program? I’m slightly interested in starting up my own comics, but I know what I’d do, but not sure where I would start!

    1. We use a combination of things when making our comics. The intial drawings are done by hand and scanned into photoshop, from there we add the color, shading, amd touch up the lines with a wacom tablet.


  6. Thanks for the follow! Didn’t think a post on White Day would gain interest so quickly!
    I was lookin’ at your comics, and they’re pretty awesome! Do you have any way of reading them chronologically or in a comic viewer format?
    If you don’t have anything like that, you should seriously consider it. I’m a veteran webcomics consumer myself, and from the looks of it you have a big enough archive to get stuck in with the webcomic community. There’s a lot of cross promotion there and cameos and such, especially if you get accepted by some of the big names like the hiveworks or keenspot! You’ve probably heard of some of the big names like penny arcade, xkcd, or cyanide & happiness, but sites like that float on their own now. Format-wise, you should take a look at how is laid out, which is a gag-a-day kind of strip like your own.

    Also, to get new readers you should sign up to, I don’t look at that site personally, as I surf through ads to give people some revenue. However all the new webcomic readers use this pretty much like a bible, I know I did!

    If you know about this stuff already, sorry for taking up your time!
    If not, hope you consider that route! The webcomic community is RIDICULOUSLY friendly!

    1. Wow! Thanks a bunch for the info! We currently have an account over on Top Web Comics, but honestly we haven’t been pushing it very hard. It’s probably something we should start doing more frequently.

      We would also love to have a slide viewer or some other way of viewing comics in chronological order. Right now you basically just have to click on the “Comics” section and scroll down.

      Thanks for stopping by and supporting our comic and again, thanks for all the info!

  7. Hey, I contacted you guys via email a few days ago regarding a proposal but haven’t heard back. Is the email above the best one to use to contact you?

  8. Hey, thanks for liking my article at
    We’re just beginning to get going in earnest ourselves, and it’s always nice to know that someone out there appreciates it. If you’d be willing to give us a shout out (we’ve got a whole 4 followers ourselves haha), I imagine there’s probably some overlap between people who are fans of your blog and people who would be fans of ours too. In any case, thanks again for the like; if nothing else, you managed to get me to follow you! haha

  9. Hey, just want you guys to know I’ve nominated you for a ‘One Lovely Blog’ award 🙂
    Scrolling through the comments, I can see you’ve already been nominated a handful of times, but hey, more accolades is never a bad thing!

    You can write a post about it if you wish, but I know how busy you must be, so there’s no obligation to do so at all. I just think you deserve recognition for your awesome blog.

    Here’s my post about the award with the rules etc:

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